Getting Some New Gear
I love my Canon M50 and wanted to expand my gear collection with the next level camera. I've been learning on my Canon M50 and getting to its limits in many situations. It's a fantastic camera, and I've been really pleased with how I've been able to progress in my photography, optimizing my compositions, lighting, and having a blast with it. The M50 is geared towards vloggers with it's video setup, and it works great for that. It also doesn't do a bad job with the landscapes, wildlife, and portraits I've been taking. Mine is a used camera, and it is the mark 1. I have the Sigma 16mm, 30mm, and the Canon 55-200. Also the kit lens, but never really used it.
I had been debating with myself, and blabbing to others who would listen on what system to go with next. Considering between the Sony AVRiii and Canon R6ii, I ended up going with the Canon R6ii. The two big points for me were the Sony's 42MP sensor, and Canon's autofocus. Although, the 42MP sensor would add tremendous value to my landscapes, I'm not printing huge formats, or finding that I am cropping that much. I like the Canon infrastructure and wanted to stay consistent with that. Sony has an advantage over lenses, but Canon's would do fine for my needs.
So, with all of that considered, I ended up with the Canon R6ii and a 24-70mm R2.8L IS lens. Looking forward to the video and photos I'll be getting from this setup! Lots of ideas swirling around, especially on the video side.
I'm loving this camera so far, even though I've only had it for a few days. Here are some photos so far from this camera.